Friday, March 13, 2009


Remembering there was once Leo ran out in the afternoon cuz someone in our family didn't lock the gates properly.

We didn't go around looking for him cuz he will usually return home after a few hours exploring and rummaging through the garbage bins around the neighborhood.

But that day baby didn't return after home for more than 6hours and we started to panic.

We went around shouting his name, shining torches at the field behind our house. And Mum was so worried that Leo would been beaten up by some gangsters cuz baby would go around chasing people he don't like.

(baby chased and barked after my friend who happened to cycle past our house once and Leo scared the shit out of him. And there was once baby went into attack mode at a garang guni man cuz he didn't like him pressing his horn)

So we searched for him till Mum couldn't take it anymore and so we had to call it a day. I was so worried that I couldn't sleep well that night and somehow I was up by 6plus am the following day (the probability of this happening is approximately zero).

And so I decided to go look for Leo again.

I didn't know where to look for him and which direction to start from and so I just stood outside my house. AND SUDDENLY (yes, just like in your primary school compositions) I saw this nervous black creature darting around at the corner of my eyes.

But by the time I turned and it was gone!
(erm.. this doesn't mean i'm fat and slow but the it was really gone that quick!)

I could hear baby's collar bell ringing and so I gave chase in whichever direction it was.
To my surprise a little boy had him chained up and was tugging him in the opposite direction baby wanted to go(which was towards our house)!

Me: HEY!

Boy: Oh yeah NAH give you back your dog.

Me: Where did you find him?

Boy: I saw him sitting there (pointing to the outside of my house) and I called him and he followed me and I brought him home. He kept crying this morning and I thought he wanted to pee. That's why I brought him out for a walk.


Okay, there were many doubts to what this little boy said but I don't really care la huh cuz I was sooooooo happy baby's back!

We thought he didn't wanna be with us anymore ):

After that incident baby still get to slip out of the house now and then when someone forgets to close the gate properly. But he's smart enough now to whimper for our attention when he's waiting outside our gate after his garbage excursion.


A rare chance of him actually looking into the camera.

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